Making ownership easier
We provide full and hybrid services for all sizes of Condo and HOAs, from tiny condos with 4 units, 80 door, multiple building townhomes with pools, 150-unit shared wall buildings with a lobby and fobs all the way to single-family communities, with a mailbox, and neighborhood parks.
With more than 30 years in the industry, there is almost nothing we haven’t seen or dealt with. Our #1 goal is to ensure that your community is well-run, financially stable and a great place to live and that it will have continuity with the function of the association as board members change.
Our Community Management team services include:
- Handling all aspects of association management; Accounting, Administrative, Compliance, Budgets, Elections and training of Board Members.
- Assist the board of directors with bids, advise on topics and rely on our experienced team and leadership to find solutions to problems that are affecting our partners.
- Consistently communicate about what is happening, what is coming up, and what the board needs to keep an eye on. We do this with weekly check-ins, on-site visits, a 24-hour response policy, and emergency phone coverage so no matter what is happening, our partners are never in the dark.